Gotta love a good book

Home educating my children has brought out a lot of things in me that I never knew existed . . . for example, who knew I would be intrigued by the Cottonwood Borer and be willing to collect as many of them as my five year old wanted?  Not I, I assure you.  The things we do for our children!

I've always enjoyed a good book.  Finding the time to sit down to read one isn't always that simple, but I will tell you that I have noticed in the past year that as you make that time, you will want to do it more and more. There's nothing quite like snuggling in the recliner with a warm little kiddo and a good book to make everything seem a-okay.  

When we first started out on this adventure of home education, I fell right in to the thinking that I needed to order as much of the curriculum and accessories that the publisher I chose had to offer . . or, should I say, as much as we could afford.  But, as with many ideas of mine, that has changed.  I find that very little curriculum is needed and more and more real, LIVING books are what I crave for my children and I.

What a great difference there is between sitting down to learn about a subject, such as Whales with a textbook written by a committee than with a book written by someone who is absolutely fascinated by the creature.  The lesson changes from that of facts and a few pictures to one of vivid explanations of their fascinating, differentiating characteristics and beautiful photography highlighting the lively text that makes them truly fascinating.  

I am so thankful for the way my eyes were opened to this truth as I read books, 
such as Charlotte Mason Companion and Educating the WholeHearted Child.  Their love of living books quickly became mine.

So, you can imagine my excitement today as I came across a new, great place to buy used books at very low prices.  This got me thinking . . . maybe there was someone else out there who might benefit from knowing of some great places to buy used and new books.

Each and every one of these beautiful books came from one of our local Goodwill stores!  That's right; someone out there decided they didn't need these anymore and donated them so that a someone like me could come along and snatch them up for super cheap prices.  

I've had these three on my Wish list 

for quite some time.

Too stubborn to pay the $15-$18 price tags that the used bookstore has been asking;
the $2.75 and $3.00 was more to my liking.

Here's the stack I ended up


New, these would have added up to quite the "pretty penny" but today I spent only $34.00 for all of them.

I actually forgot to include one of the books in the picture, but my purchase included 17 books.  

That means they averaged at only $2 a book!

Loving that!

It's funny how a stack of used books could make my day but it sure did.
I recommend getting online or on the phone and calling around to your local Goodwill stores or other thrift stores to find out what kind of a selection they have.  In our area, there is quite the variety.  In one store, you may find only a small shelf or two while at others, there may be so many you can't look at them all in one day.  

Some other great places to find good deals on books:

1.  Yard/ Garage sales                                                           
2. Friends and family members: get the word out!  You love books . . .  you may be surprised how many you start inheriting.
3.  Used bookstores 
4. Library sales
5.  Department stores, such as Target( $1 section):  That's right, I was amazed to find some Unabridged Classics right there in the $1 section marked down 70%!!!! Whew, hew!  Here's what I quickly snatched up. 

The only problem I see with getting all these great books at such a low price:  having to convince my husband to build new bookshelves to accommodate them all.  

Summer teaches me

Summer teaches me

Is it possible that July is here?  We are three days in and time goes faster and faster...
Wow, do I feel old when I say things like that!  But, it is so true.  These days are fleeting, the Bible says it and I believe it.
While days go quickly by, we are enjoying them. What about you?  What is your family up to lately?

Most everyone is either inside trying to beat the heat while others are splashing around in crystal blue water, squealing and having a grand ole time.  
 We've had our share of both lately.  The kids are enjoying swimming lessons.  I'm enjoying watching them learn, even if I am half melted by the time lessons are over. By the way, can I just tell you how thankful I am for trees.  Without them, I would literally be a melted mess by the time my children finished up with their lessons.  It is hot out there people!

Summer time is such a great time to make lots of wonderful memories with your families.  There's all the grill outs, 4th of July celebrations, church picnics and ice cream socials.  What's not to love? There are so many things to be thankful for, so many ways to create memories with the ones we love.

I don't know if you are like me but sometimes I can really make things too difficult.  SO often, the urge to direct, plan out and organize each and every detail encompasses my thinking.  But, I am here to say that really none of this needed . . . my children do not need me to play the role of  "group activity leader" all of the time.

On a later date, I will share about my girls but for today, I am here to say that there are only two things my boys need to have a great time together.  Okay, I admit, if you add in a third . . it will really be a party.

Are you ready? Here it is . . . 

1. Dirt
2. Some sticks or rocks

and for a party . . . ....

3. Water!

That's it, people. Really!  I'm telling you, all the money spent on little plastic toys, Legos and Playdough . . . really, there is no need in the summer.  Give them a little land and they are thrilled.

How fun it is to sit and watch as my boys play together.  What a joy!  
Listening to my "big boy" explaining to my "baby boy" how to do this or build that absolutely puts a smile on this mama's face.
Boys really are precious.  

Have you noticed?  When is the last time you sat back and listened to your children play?  Remarkable actually.  
Take the time today!
Stop for a minute what you are doing.  Don't worry, the dishes will be there when you get back . . trust me, there is always laundry but remember the days are fleeting . . 
Take the time . . . now!  Sit down and enjoy your children.
Pick up a stick.  Sit down near a mound of dirt, call your boys over and be amazed.